Saturday, September 21, 2019

Appendix D-Carl Rogers8 Essay Example for Free

Appendix D-Carl Rogers8 Essay Some contributions that Sigmund Freud has brought to the psychological community is the psychodynamic theory. Psychodynamic theory is the behavior of psychological forces within the individual, often outside conscious awareness, (Chapter 11, p. 418). Freud believed that a person’s personality begins to develop in childhood, and the experiences that an individual goes through affects their personality development. Sigmund Freud believed that there were three parts to a person’s personality, there is Id, which involves the collection of unconscious urges and desires that continually seek expression, (Chapter 11, p.419). The second is ego, the ego is the psychic mechanism that controls all thinking and reasoning activities (Chapter 11, p. 420). The final personality is superego, this ego provides moral standards that a person has developed from their parents and social influences. Carl Jung believed that the role of the unconscious determines human behavior and believed that the ego’s source of strength and vitality came from the unconscious, (Chapter 11, p. 424). One of Jung’s most original ideas about the human psyche is the belief of collective unconscious, this theory comprises the memories and behavior patterns were inherited from past generations and therefore are shared by all humans, (Chapter 11, p. 425). These thought patterns were known as archetypes, these are mental images or representations of other people associated with a person’s perspective of an individual. Past figures were associated with others who hold similar positions in society or have characteristics of that personality type. Jung believed that people wore a mask or persona to others in order to protect their true personality from others. Another contribution that Jung brought to the psychological community was the belief that both men and women showed personality traits from both sexes and he referred to them as anima and animus. Anima was the feminine archetype that was expressed in males such as nurturing, and animus was the male archetype that is presented in a female personality such as aggressiveness. Jung also believed that people were divided into two general attitude types known as introverts and extroverts. Extroverts describes individuals who focus their attentions on others social lives instead of his or her own personal lives. Introverts are the exact opposite, these individuals tend to be more focused on their own experiences. Carl Rogers was considered the most prominent psychologists on humanistic theories. Rogers believed that people developed their personalities from positive experiences. He believed that every person was born with a genetic blueprint and that everyone is able to develop their personality based on what they were predisposed to know, this is called actualizing tendency. Actualizing tendency can describe the characteristics of all types of life including plants, animals, and human development. Rogers believed that humans developed their own self-image to fulfill their own potential of their inborn biological potential, in order to figure out that they want to do with their lives. He also believed that a person’s self-concept is closely aligned with their inborn capacities of what they were most likely to become, he called this a fully functioning person. A fully functioning person is self-directed and dedicated to their ideal self-actualization and strives to achieve it, even when their decisions are not made with the best judgment. Another theory that Rogers contributed was that people tend to be a more fully functioning individual if they were raised with unconditional positive regard from their parents, this is when parents treat them with warmth, respect, acceptance, and love, (Chapter 11, p. 432). References Axia College of University of Phoenix. (2009). Chapter 11, Personality. Retrieved September 23, 2009, from Axia College, Week 5 reading, aXcess, PSY265-Psychology and Human Sexuality Course Materials Website. Part II Choose three of your favorite television characters; past or present. Complete the following matrix describing the characters’ personalities from the point of view of the three theorists, Jung, Freud, and Rogers. |TV Character |Jung |Rogers |Freud | |1. Tobias Funke |This character is an extrovert |This character shows |I think that this character uses| | |person. He is too interested in |unconditional positive regard |denial to deflect from the | | |others and takes an interest in |because he accepts everyone and |implications that he is | | |others activities even if he was|shows a lot of love for everyone|homosexual because his wife and | | |not invited to do so. |though he is to self absorbed to|family always suspect that his | | | |notice when people are ignored |is. He just laughs it off and | | | |but he feels that he is a good |goes through a long confusing | | | |person.|speech why that is ridiculous | | | | |while using words that | | | | |contradict the point of what he | | | | |is trying to say. | |2. Stanley Hudson |This character is an introverted|This character shows |I think that this character uses| | |person at least at work so the |self-actualizing tendency |defense mechanisms in order to | | |majority of the show because he |because he feels that his |not let his temper and hatred | | |does not wish to have an active |self-concepts is higher then |for his boss come out. He | | |relationship with anyone in the |what stage he is currently at. |deflects his emotions in | | |show and is more interested in |He believes that he deserves a |situations that are | | |his own interests such as his |better position in the company |significantly stressful by | | |crossword puzzles. |with better pay and a more |ignoring his job and doing | | | |productive work environment. |crossword puzzles. | |3. Buster Bluth |This character is an introvert |This character was raised in a |I believe that this character | | |person. He is more in his own |conditional positive regard |uses the displacement defense | | |little world and is not very |because his parents did not |mechanism because all the | | |interested in meeting people |really treat him with respect |problems in his life he blames | | |that he is not comfortable with |and still treat him as if he is |on his mother for not letting | | |such as strangers. |a child and does not know how to|him live his life, though he | | | |make decisions for himself. |only complains when he is mad, | | | | |usually when his mother does not| | | | |let him have a girlfriend. |

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